Dr. Madhubala
Consultant Pediatric Dentist
4 Years of experience
Dental Surgery
Telugu, Hindi, English
Dr Madhubala, is well experienced pediatric dentist with expertise in treating dental problems in children. She did her post graduation from prestigious institute AIIMS, New Delhi where she had excelled in her specialization. She is expert in Pulpotomies, pulpectomies, space management, functional appliances, preventive and interceptive orthodontic procedures. She has vast experience in treating kids with special health care needs like Downs syndrome, autism, epilepsy etc. she is specialised in doing dental procedures in kids under conscious sedation and general aneshesia
Field of Expertise
- Enddontic procedures in kids.
- Preventive and interceptive orthoodntics.
- cavity fillings in children.
- Treating kids with special health care needs.
Professional Membership
- Indian society of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry.
- Indian Society of Dental Traumatology.
- South Asian Association of Pediatric Dentistry.
- Best poster presentation in ISPPD conference 2017, Chennai
- Best paper award in ISDT conference 2018, Delhi
- Best oral paper presenation in SAAPD conference 2019, New delhi
- 2nd place in Quiz competetion at ITS dental college Greater Noida , 2019