Executive Health Check up-Premium
- Blood Sugar Fasting
- Blood Sugar Post Prandial
- CBC with PS
- Blood Group & RH Factor ( Automated Method)
- Liver Function
- Renal Function
- Lipid Profile
- HIV 1 & 11 , HBSAg , HCV, VDRL
- Urine Routine
- Stool Routine
- Chest X ray
- Ultra Sound Scan for Abdomen
- Consultation with Physician
Package Cost – 5,000
Executive Health Check up-Master
- Blood Sugar Fasting
- Blood Sugar Post Prandial
- CBC with PS
- Blood Group & RH Factor ( Automated Method)
- Liver Function
- Renal Function
- Lipid Profile
- HIV 1 & 11 , HBSAg , VDRL
- Urine Routine
- Chest X ray
- Ultra Sound Scan for Abdomen
- Consultation with Physician
Package Cost – 4,000
Executive Health Check Essential
- Fasting Blood Glucose
- Compelete Blood with ESR
- Blood Group ( Automated Count)
- Total Cholesterol
- Triglycerides
- Creatinine
- Bilirubin Total
- Urine Routine
- Consultation with Physician
Package Cost – 1,000
Comprehensive Package for MEN
- Fasting Blood Glucose
- Post Prandial Blood Glucose
- Compelete Blood Count with esr
- Blood Group & RH typing
- Lipid Profile
- Liver Function
- BUN,Creatinine ,Uric Acid, calcium
- HIV 1 &II, Hbsag, VDRL
- Xray
- Consultation with physician
Package Cost – 4,000
Comprehensive Women
- Fasting Blood Glucose
- Post Prandial Blood Glucose
- Compelete Blood Count with ESR
- Blood Group & RH typing
- Lipid Profile
- Liver Function Tests
- BUN,Creatinine ,Uric Acid, calcium
- HIV 1 &II, Hbsag, VDRL
- PAP Smear
- Chest Xray
- Consultation with physician
- Consultation Gynaecology
Package Cost – 4,000
Cancer Health Check ( MEN)
- Compelete Blood Count with PS
- Renal Function Tests
- Urine Routine
- Stool Routine
- Ultra sound scan Abdomen and prostate
- Chest X Ray
- Consultation with Physician
Package Cost – 3,500
Cancer Health Check ( WOMEN)
- Compelete Blood Count with PS
- Renal Funtion Tests
- Urine Routine
- Stool Routine
- Ultra sound scan Abdomen
- Chest X Ray
- Consultation with Physician
- Consultation Gynaecology
Package Cost – 4,000
- Vitamin D3
- Vitamin B 12
- Calcium
- Iron Studies
- Magnesium
- Complete Blood Count with PS
Package Cost – 4,500