Dr. Geetha. L
Consultant and Chief of Neuroanaesthesiology & Neurocritical Care Unit
M.B.B.S, M.D(Anaesthesiology), PDF (Neuroanaesthesiolgoy)
Neuroanesthesia and Neurocritical Care
Kannada, English, Hindi
Senior lead consultant in Neuroanesthesia & Neurocritical Care at Ramaiah Memorial Hospital. Over 14 years of clinical experience in the field of Neuroanaesthesiology and Neuorointensive Care. The Course director for Postdoctoral Fellowship in Neuroanesthesiolgoy at Ramaiah Institute of Neurosciences accredited to Indian Society of Neuroanesthesiolgoy and Critical Care(ISNACC). Chief Consultant in the department since 2016. Passionate about Postgraduate teaching and skill based training. Has several Publications in national and International journals.
Field of Expertise
Expertise include
- Perioperative management of Traumatic Brain Injury patients & high risk neurosurgical patients
- Neurophysiological & haemodynamic monitoring
- Paediatric Neuroanesthesia
- Difficult airway management
- Difficult neurovascular access management.
Special interest in
- Neuroinfections
- Mechanical Ventilation
- Neuronutrition.
Professional Membership
- Life Member of Indian Society of Anaesthesiology(ISA)
- Indian society of neuroanaesthesiology & Critical Care(ISNACC)
- Neurocritical Society of India(NCSI)