Dr. Hamsa V
Consultant - Paediatric Nephrology
MD (Ped), DM (Ped Nephro)
08 Years Experience
Paediatric Nephrology
Kannada, English, Hindi, Telugu
Dr Hamsa is Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist at Ramaiah Memorial Hospital, Bangalore for the past 2 years. She has obtained her MD in Pediatrics from IGICH, Bangalore, followed by DM in Paediatric Nephrology from St John’s Medical College Hospital, Bangalore. She is instrumental in the development of a Pediatric Nephrology unit in Ramaiah Memorial Hospital. Since its inception in 2019, the unit has treated over 100 children with renal disorders with excellent patient outcomes. She has started CAPD and Haemodialysis services for paediatrics CKD in the institute.
Field of Expertise
- Paediatric Chronic Kidney Diseases
- Paediatric Dialysis
- Neonatal Renal Disorders
- Paediatric Kidney Stones
- Nephrotic Syndrome
- She is recipient of the Best Young Researcher Award in Indian Society of Nephrology – Southern chapter Conference in 2020 for her work on Neonatal AKI.
- Indian Academy of Paediatrics
- Indian Society of Paediatric Nephrology
- International Society of Nephrology
- Internation Paediatric Nephrology Association