Dr. Gayathri Devi H. J.
MBBS, MD(Respiratory Medicine), DTCD, FCCP, FICS
30 Years Experience
Pulmonology (Respiratory Medicine)
English, Kannada, Hindi, Malayalam
Dr. Gayathri Devi H. J. has over 30 years of experience in the field of Respiratory Medicine.
She has clinical expertise in the management of respiratory diseases and procedures.
She is actively involved in teaching MBBS students, teacher and guide for post graduate students of Respiratory Medicine.
Field of Expertise
- Tuberculosis
- Bronchial Asthma
- Bronchiectasis
- Sleep Related breathing Disorders
- Gold Medalist- ‘Best out-going female Student’ in JJMMC, Davanagere- MBBS
Professional Membership
- Indian Medical Association
- Indian Chest Society
- Indian Academy of Allergy
- Karnataka Pulmonology Association
- American College of Chest Physicians
- European Respiratory Society
- Respiratory Research Network of India (MOU)