Center For Rehabilitation


Rehabilitation is the process of helping a person who has endured illness or an injury to restore skills and regain maximum self-sufficiency. Treatments are designed to facilitate the process of recovery and return to optimal functioning. The Center for Rehabilitation at Ramaiah Memorial Hospital is a premier physical rehabilitation facility with the state of the art infrastructure. It offers specialized services and solutions in all fields of physiotherapy and rehabilitation. With the use of the latest technology, our team of experts strive towards achieving a state of functional independence and pain free living for their patients.

Sub Specialties

Orthopaedic and Sports Physiotherapy
Neuro Rehabilitation
Cardio-respiratory Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
Paediatric Rehabilitation

What We Treat

  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Arthritis
  • Post fracture rehabilitation
  • Ligament and soft tissue injuries
  • Post joint replacement Rehabilitation
  • Poor Postures
  • Repetitive strain Injuries
  • Tennis elbow
  • Plantar Fasciitis

Clinical Excellence

  • 17

    Years of experience

  • 500 +


  • 2.5 million +

    Patients Served

  • 83000 +

    Surgeries Performed

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