Forensic Medicine: We help to solve the crime

The Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology at Ramaiah Medical College has state-of-the-art facilities, offering an unparalleled opportunity to study Forensic Medicine in a fully operational medico-legal environment. The Department seeks to educate and inspire the next generation of forensic medicine experts and practitioners by providing quality training through scientific excellence.
The teaching staffs comprise qualified forensic experts, training students to be adept with various medico-legal issues that they may face in their professional careers. The department renders round-the-clock medico-legal autopsy services, embalming, and preservation facilities in a well-equipped and maintained separate mortuary block with a gallery for the students to witness the autopsies. The department has modern amenities and infrastructure including a departmental research lab, well organized integrated museum, an examination room for sexual offence cases, and a student laboratory.
Undergraduate and Postgraduate students are trained in legal aspects of medicine, medical ethics and etiquette, thanatology, sexual jurisprudence, and toxicology and are also introduced to procedures such as postmortem examination, examination of victim/accused in sexual assaults, certification in injuries, drunkenness and age estimation by physical, dental and skeletal examination. Innovative teaching methods like a moot court, role-play, dumb charades, case discussions-integration with other departments in the central museums, etc. have been started for a better understanding of the subject by the students.
Unique features of the department:

- One of the first few Private Medical Institutes in South India to start Autopsies (1991).
- Offers 24×7 Medico legal & Embalming services
- The highest number of Autopsies and other medico-legal services among the Private medical colleges.
- The department is also a member of the Poison Control team and the Collaborative Child Response unit.
COVID times – Handled 1064 Covid deaths, Co-ordinated the preservation, disinfection, and disposal of the bodies, and Developed SOP- Autopsy Conduction on Covid bodies for the Health and Family Karnataka Welfare department-Government of Karnataka.
Appreciation letter from Commissioner of Police for aiding in Crime scene investigation.
Coordination in voluntary body donation program and eye donations at the morgue.
Value-added courses and Social Services:
- E-Module on Medico Legal Cases: for interns
- CARE course: Child Abuse Response course for Postgraduate students of OBG, Forensic Medicine, Psychiatry, and Pediatrics.
- Observership program for MSc Forensic Science deemed to be university, Bengaluru from Jain
- Classes on Medico-legal aspects are taken up for Police personnel, Law students, and MSU Students.
- Through specialized workshops and awareness initiatives, the department also collaborates with the Bangalore Police and Transport Departments of the Government of Karnataka. The Ramaiah Medical College jurisdiction has 28 police stations. North Bengaluru is well-served. The police are trained to examine crime sites.
The department has also, in collaboration with the Karnataka Government partaken in a unique awareness campaign in schools and colleges to educate youth on road safety, drug abuse, and suicide prevention.
We work around the clock. The forensic department is where doctors, police and lawyers work hand in hand. The scope of forensic science is vast. The students can get jobs in various government and private sectors.
This department not only trains students but also educates the general public about organ donation, post-mortem, and embalming. We do counseling for the bereaved family too.
—-Dr. Girish Chandra Y P Professor & HOD Dept. of Forensic Medicine