Karl Landsteiner, an Austrian born American biologist, physician and immunologist discovered the ABO blood groups and laid the foundation for the modern Transfusion Medicine. His birthday on June 14 is celebrated as the world blood donor’s day. World Blood Donor Day is celebrated around the world every year to raise awareness about the need for safe blood donation and motivate the people to donate blood.
Ramaiah Blood Centre, at Ramaiah Memorial Hospitals is celebrating World Blood Donors day on Wednesday June 14, 2023 by conducting a voluntary blood donation camp by Ramaiah staff. All doctors, nurses, technical staff, management staff, faculty members and students of Ramaiah medical college, Ramaiah memorial hospital and teaching hospital are coming together as blood donors on this great day. We, at Ramaiah strive to serve as an example to society by becoming voluntary blood donors ourselves. We become blood donors for our patients. Last year World Blood Donors Day was marked by starting a platelet registry. This year too interested donors can continue to register themselves for Platelet registry. As the platelet storage period is only for 5 days this initiative will help to call the platelet donors only when required.
We sincerely thank blood donors who were life savers for cancer patients, stem cell transplant patients, pregnant mothers, pediatric patients and the organisers of blood donation camp across Bengaluru and around the city. We request all to donate blood and save lives.
Facts of Blood donation:
There is no substitute for blood. Donors are the only source.
An average adult has about 4-5 litres of blood and only 350-450 ml blood is collected during every donation.
Blood donation takes approximately 30 minutes including filling the donor questionnaire and consent form, HB estimation, actual blood donation, post donation refreshment and rest.
Any healthy person who have completed 18 years can donate blood after eligibility confirmation by medical screening.
During blood donation screening you can know your blood group, haemoglobin value and vitals like BP(blood pressure) and PR (pulse rate). It will be like a mini health check up.
From every blood unit a person donates, three blood components are prepared including PRBC, plasma and platelets or cryoprecipitate benefitting atleast 3 persons. All the blood components prepared are stored in the appropriate temperature required
Male donors can donate blood every 3 months and females can donate every 4 months.
Blood donation is completely safe.
Every blood unit donated is mandatorily tested for HV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis and Malaria according to government regulations. It is for the well being of both donors and patients. A blood donor feels pleasure and satisfaction of saving a life and having done something good for humanity.
Donate blood and be a hero.